Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A moment of silence and prayer for MH370

Since the missing of flight MH370 on 8th of March, it has been the topic of discussion among my colleagues, families and friends. We have been following the news updates everyday via CNN, BBC, local news media...you name it, I'll read any news related to the missing jetliner and hoping that there will be good news of finding the plane. 

Until last night..when our PM announced the fate of the plane that its last position was in the middle of the Southern Indian Ocean, I froze.. I listened carefully to each word the PM delivered to the world and he said MH370 ended at the Indian Ocean. I couldn't believe what he said in the beginning as there was no solid evidence, no debris related to the plane was found yet. The conclusion was based on data from a British satellite company. All hopes vanished. 

This morning when I was listening to the radio, the deejays were talking about last night announcement by the Malaysian PM. My heart sink..eyes tearing up.. I really feel for the families who lost their loved ones. Imagine the emotional torture they faced each day hoping their loved ones will return and yesterday, what they heard was "All lives are lost".

May God bless the lost souls and if there are survivors, may the Lord bring them back safely. Although it may sound impossible at this remote location, but with God, nothing is impossible. Let's have a moment of silence and prayer to those on board MH370 and their family members. 

Love while you can..treasure your loved ones while you can. 


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