Friday, July 6, 2012

My cousin's wedding

23/6 was my cousin's wedding and we had a big family reunion. :DDD
Almost everyone was back for the big event. I took 4 days leave, just to hang out with family and relatives. Hehehe..

We had manicure and pedicure at home on 21/6. A relaxing day, chatting while choosing the nail polish.  

Bride had French manicure. Beautiful fingers.. :D
The night before the wedding, as usual, we had a pre-celebration with friends and family. Celebrating the bride last night of singlehood. ;p 

Two roast pig were served (sorry pigs..), as well as Rojak, Chendol, Laksa and Fried Hor Fun. All freshly prepared. Not the usual buffet style, but with different stalls serving different food. 
And of course, never to forget to do "Yuuuuummmmm Siiinnnnngggg!" with each other. :D

The wedding was held at St John Anglican Church. The church was awesome. Look at the architecture! After the church reception, dinner was held at Tropicana Ballroom, Ipoh. 

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