Thursday, November 8, 2012

What a day...

It was a very busy and hectic day for me today. Came in to work at 8:00am. Checked my emails..checked my work plan for the day and started the experiment at 8:30am. The experiment needed 7.5hrs, plus minus. I'm assuming I can finish it by 7:00pm. This include an hour break for an appointment with a supplier that I promised to meet today at 2pm. Experiment went well, worked non-stop in the lab..hardly have time to loosen up at the washroom. lol... Not even a drop of water for a few hours.. Didn't go out for lunch either. Colleague bought '老鼠粉' for me. Finished the noodle in 10 minutes! Gulp! 

But my supplier was late for 2 HOURS! He lost his way. First time travelling to Ipoh using a google map. I thought he knew the way to our office, so I didn't offer him any map. But after 45minutes late, there was not even a phone call from him. I called him instead and found him lost in Ipoh city. That was so way out from my office. 

How did he lose his direction? 

Shouldn't he make good preparation before he started his journey to a new place? Hmm... I was having doubt at him already. I wanted to offer help but couldn't since this is his first time here..all landmarks are new to him. Signboards are not very helpful I texted him our coordinates though he said he didn't have a GPS. But he managed to arrive at 4pm. 

Well, forget about the lateness. I was actually looking forward to meet him and check out the instrument he'll be showing us. New technology not known to me and seems like a helpful instrument in solving some of our uncertainties in our analysis. Could be a breakthrough for us.. our disappointment, he wasn't familiar to the instrument!!! Can't even answer some basic queries. OK..i know i'm demanding because i was so hopeful to this new technology. And he's new to his job, i should give him a break. But it was also not very professional to show 'potential' customers that you do not really understand your instrument's abilities. I prepared samples for him to test too! None of them was able to be tested. 

Well..even though impression was not too good..thank you for showing me the instrument and bringing it all the way from KL. My experiment was OK too and I left work at 7pm as planned. ;)

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