Sunday, February 17, 2013

Adventure with BBQ cake

It was a lovely Saturday morning and perfect day for baking cake. I've already planned the baking session with mom as 'sifu' the day before. The cake was for a CNY gathering on that night. Everything went well from weighing the ingredients, cutting the peaches & plums, melting the butter and mixing the ingredients together. Not long after the tin of mixture (not yet become a cake) was placed in the oven, disasters kept coming! First, the oven went 'pop!!' and before I knew it, mom was shouting, "The oven exploded! Your cake, your cake!". I was washing my hands in the wash room when the explosion happened. Not sure what happened to the oven though... and before we checked the oven, we quickly save the cake first. 

Everybody started to think of solutions. (everybody here include mom, me, my sister and an aunt) We tried calling the nearest aunty to our house, but she has no oven. Tried another aunty, but she's out in town. We must cook the cake as soon as possible, otherwise the mixture with all the fruits inside will sink and I can't imagine what will happen to the cake! I was so nervous! 

Mom was quick in thinking of a solution. She suggested using a wok to cook it. At first, I thought she meant steaming the cake which is absolutely no good for a crumble cake. But actually, she just meant heating the cake in a hot covered wok. I took this photo as fast as possible and cover the wok with a lid. ;D But a few minutes in the wok.. gas went off! While changing to a new gas cylinder, we really wondered whether the cake can still survive or not.. lol

After 15 minutes of cooking the cake in the wok, the temperature still did not rise to the desired temperature. It stayed at about 130C, but we required 175C. And the crumble was melting slightly. Not sure who came up with the idea of using the BBQ grill. We were brain-storming of whether we should cut the cake smaller and bake the cake in the oven toaster, and someone suggested grilling the cake. :D But we couldn't start up the grill! I thought that's the end of the cake... but glad that the BBQ grill was able to start-up after a few more attempts. hahahaha..

Checking the cake in the BBQ grill

Anyway, the cake was a success though it was a bit burnt at the bottom from the fire of the BBQ grill. But glad that everybody enjoyed the cake and the humour behind the cake baking adventure. ;D

Cooling down the cake after BBQ
Taste yummy! The crumble, the peaches and plums all came out OK after moving from oven to wok and to BBQ grill


  1. The end result was superb! Really, really tasty. When can we have it again? :P

    1. Thanks! Glad you like it! We shall see when we will have the chance...but probably not BBQ again! lol...
      oh..maybe could try baking it for Alpha! *wink*



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