Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mother's Day

How did you spend your Mother's Day? I had dinner with mom and our Filipino maid, Agnes, on Sat night. Her children are all in the Philippines. I brought them to In Cafe, but the restaurant has moved. Then we drove back to town and stopped by at Capucino, a newly opened cafe opposite Elim Gospel Hall. It was a blessing in disguise as it was raining heavily when we arrived at In Cafe but the rain has subsided when we got to Capucino cafe. We had set dinner and everyone was happy with the food. It was a good outing.

On the actual day of Mother's Day, i bought two bouquets of flowers at Ipoh Parade. One for mom and one for my aunt, who has given my family shelter ever since my parents divorced. She's like a mother to me too. Since her children are not around..i need to do something to make her happy, right? :P

So here are the flowers that I gave them..lilies for my aunt and sunflowers for my mom. Mom is my sunshine. :D I sang her the first line of the song too..haha..

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