Thursday, June 28, 2012

I've got my retainers!

Got my retainers on Tuesday. Thought I would get the wire type like the picture below. (got the picture from google image) It would be difficult to wear if Dr gave me this type. I used to wear this type of retainer for my previous treatment and I gave up not long after I was given the retainer. It was so difficult to talk! And quite uncomfortable. 

I'm glad I was given the slip-on retainers which is transparent and look nicer to wear. At first, I do feel uncomfortable. My tongue got scratched and was bleeding yesterday. But I feel alright today, just that my pronunciation was slightly awkward. I just need to get used to wearing it.. I need to wear these retainers for 6 months before going back for another check-up. The gaps between the last 2 big teeth which were left after the braces were taken out, need to be closed with these retainers. I can only take these retainers out for brushing teeth and eating. Need to wear this all the time.. luckily, nobody even notice that I'm wearing it until I start talking cuz i sounded funny! :p

Notice the silver box beneath the retainers? It's the case to store the retainers when I'm not using them. So..another 6 months to go? I might get even more thinner by the time I stop using these retainers. Cuz i can't even munch titbits now. Too troublesome to take out and put back all the time.

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