Monday, June 11, 2012

Spring cleaning week

This week is spring cleaning week as we prepare for the coming audit from 13/6 till 15/6/12. Well, this spring cleaning is actually done twice yearly. Once in June and once in Dec. I've to clean the glass pane beside my workstation and clean my work area in the lab. Cleared quite a bit of samples today. Feel so contented with the extra space! hehehe.. 

Cleaning the glass pane need some special technique. We do not use normal glass cleaning detergent. We use diluted acetic acid. Just spray some on the glass and use the squeegee to wipe the water from the glass surface. A microfibre cloth is used to wipe hard to remove oil stain if needed. But the glass pane beside my workstation is not oily, just maybe some dust. The glass pane look extra shiny now. *wink* Vacuum cleaned the ceiling too cuz I saw some spider webs. 

The rest of my colleagues haven't started to clean their workstations yet. I guess I'll see more cleaning tomorrow? 

Arms are tired now.. need to rest early. ;p

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