Friday, August 31, 2012

Cutting a Cobia or Black Salmon

My uncle likes fishing trip and this time, he caught a Cobia. I think this is my first time hearing this name. I did a search on Google and found that it has a lot of names. Also known as black kingfish, black salmon, ling, lemonfish, crabeaters, etc, etc. In Chinese, it's know as 海雷.

The fish weighs at approx. 25kg and about 1m long. I didn't manage to shoot a photo of the whole fish before it was cut up. But nevertheless, I got the 2 halves in photos! haha!

The bone is actually taking a lot of its weight because after finish filleting the meat, there's actually not much to eat, considering that we need to divide and give some to family & friends. 2-3 bags of bones were left for cooking soup and porridge though.. ;p 

The whole kitchen smelled so fishy that my sister couldn't stand it while eating her fruits. She had to run away! ;P

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