Monday, October 15, 2012

Birthday dinner at Capucino Cafe

Celebrated J's birthday at Capucino Cafe last Friday. The cafe is located at Jln Chung Type Phin, opposite Elim Gospel Hall. The owner seems to have changed. They didn't look familiar to me from my last visit. But I do admit that it was quite a long time ago... oops.. 2 years! 

We ordered set dinner each. The normal sets are RM11.90 each which include mushroom soup, garlic bread, drink (iced lemon tea or peach tea) and ice-cream or pudding. I ordered a different set which cost slightly more expensive but still at reasonable price. All the main dish in the menu can be converted to set dinner by only adding an extra RM3.00. Mine costed RM14.90 + RM3.00 which looked more special. :)

Here is my set dinner, orange peppermint fish and chicken for only RM17.90. ;P

YT and SF had Mongolian chicken which was quite yummy too.

So, here were SF and I showing off our food. ;) Actually it's me who wanted to show off the food, but dragged SF along for the photo. See... she smiled a bit forcefully because she was very hungry already, and I was holding her from poking her fork into the meat. 

Here's our birthday girl! And some photos with her, and the cake. Nowadays, for just a small cake which is less than 1/2 kg, it's already costed RM28.00 (from Gold Vision). 

By the way, my dress is from Veofashion. The price is very cheap but quality wise, it is a bit risky to buy from them. But for casual wear, it's still quite ok lah! I bought 6 dresses/blouse from them already... but 1 out of 3 is not really wearable. But for yum char in Ipoh, you don't have to overly dressed lah! ;D

And here's SF with her lovely smile. (Because already filled up her tummy and waiting to eat the cake) hahaha...just kidding la.. SF is smiling so lovingly because she's sitting beside the birthday lenglui. 

Capucino Cafe information
27, Jln Chung Type Phin,
30250 Ipoh, Perak.
Tel: 05-2427988
Contact person: Mandy Eng (010-465 5668)

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