Saturday, December 1, 2012

Life of Pi

Thinking of which title to use for my post.. "Life of Pi" or my first experience at Aeon Station 18 TGV cinema? Maybe both? But maybe "Life of Pi" is better since it is the story that kept me wanting to know more about the director, the story and actually, wanting to read the novel. 

Cousin and aunt wanted to watch this movie. Little did I know that it was showing at the cinema until they brought it up at the dinner table. They briefly told us about the story which tells of a young Indian man whom his family had a zoo in India. At some time, they had to leave India and transport the animals on a ship. But when they were travelling, they encountered a severe storm and only this young Indian man survive and had to live on the sea with a tiger after the ship wreck. 

It got me interested and wanted to watch the movie. But we didn't book tickets earlier and so, ended we had to watch a 3D show at Aeon Station 18 (the only cinema with reasonable seats). But it's all worth it, watching it in 3D. The scenes were so like "Avatar"... showing the life under the sea, whale, dolphins, and some magical island. Each scene is just too short to take it all in!

The most important thing of this story is that it brings you to think about God. His existence and His provision during time of needs. "Pi" started narrating his story to a writer in the beginning of the movie by telling him that the story that he's going to tell him may lead him to believe in God. 

It's an incredibly good and meaningful movie. And it will get you thinking. Yes, maybe I'll start reading the novel. ;)

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