Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Love Movement

A lot to tell but can't find the right mood and the right time. Been to places in PJ that I would like to share but no time to sort out the photos. Wanted to show some photos I took at IKEA ..no time.. And when I have time, i'm just tired and no words came to mind and I just wanted to relax with some korean dramas.. ;P

Well, my time have been quite occupied with "CHRISTMAS LOVE MOVEMENT" lately. What is this "Christmas Love Movement"?, you asked..

It's an idea from my sister for this year Christmas. For the past few years, we have started to exchange presents among family members (yes, we don't have this culture before). Well, this year, we crack our heads thinking of what to buy for each other and everybody thinks this is a very difficult task. Hmm.. and so, sister excitedly suggested, 'how about we pool our money for gifts this year, and donate to an orphanage?' So, we wear our thinking caps and start to organize with family members and relatives. 

Some researches were carried out on the internet to check out which home we should give. And we found Vision Home, located at Tmn Rishah, on the same ground as Word of Life Centre. When I got there the first time to check out the home, I said to myself, "I've been here last Christmas to practise choir at the church! But I didn't notice the children home! >.<""

Initially, we thought response may be low and for the first year, probably we may involve family members, relatives and some friends. But sister said, we should put up an event page in FB and invite friends through there. We were touched by the tremendous responses from friends and friends of friends. I could not imagine the amount of rice, diaper and milk powder we have collected up till now. And the numbers are still growing!

God is great! He is faithful and listen to prayers! Trust that the Lord has touched people's hearts and moved them to give and support this Love Movement!

So yeah..i'm quite busy coordinating donations and follow-up with friends who have indicated they want to be involved in this movement. :D I don't know when I'll write again.. probably after christmas or new year. If I'm not back before that, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Hohoho!

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