Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jogging on early Sat morning - My First Experience

It's my first time today. lol. Been dragging it for ages cuz you know the reason.. ahem... i'm too lazy to get up on a Sat morning!! And missed my precious sleep! :p Nonetheless, i set my alarm to 7:15am as I made a date with mom to go jogging with her at the pologround at 7:30am. Mom actually woke me up at 6:30am when she woke up. I heard her going into the washroom..afterwards, i fell back to sleep. But this 45min sleep was so tiring. I was just dreaming of driving to the pologround. It was a frustrating dream cuz i took the wrong road, drove through some unknown places trying to find the way to pologround! Was i nervous for my first time ? haha.. i'm not sure..

At 7:30am, the place was already jammed up. So many people were already jogging and working out. The parking was totally full! I was lucky to get a parking but was taken by someone in the beginning. He said he didn't see my signal light. But everybody else did and just drove pass me. He was just making excuse! Anyway, thank God he's kind enough to move out from the parking and let me have it since i saw it first.

As it's my first time, i didn't jog. I just walk in a faster motion than normal walking. :p No sweating but both of my legs felt so itchy. I thought it must be because I didn't do stretching or warm-up before and i don't usually go for exercise after i wake up, that my blood circulation was slightly abnormal. Causing my legs to feel itchy. So i just ignored the itchy feeling and kept walking with mom. We walked one big round around the polo-ground. Then, another smaller round. After that, we joined the aerobic group and followed their steps. That was when i sweat slightly..;p Oh, and we met someone we know. She was just doing aerobics beside us but we didn't notice her. Oops... Btw, aerobics start at 7:30am and ends at 8:30am, taught by a group of Malay ladies.

When we stepped into our car on our way home, only then i realized i have a lot of insect bites!!! Now i know why i felt itchy earlier. It didn't look like mosquitoes bite cuz the bites were bigger, and in abnormal shape. Luckily, after taking shower and putting on "Burnol", an antiseptic cream, the bites start to 'fade off'. I guess i can just forget about it..cuz it doesn't feel itchy anymore.

Will I continue doing this every Sat? Hmm...let's see if I can commit.. ;D

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