Sunday, October 16, 2011

An outing at Secret Recipe

Called my good mate out for a pre-birthday dinner. Yeah.. she used to sit behind my workstation, listened to my complaints and was always patiently listening to my nagging. Haha.. Now, the desk behind me is empty, still waiting for someone to replace her. But i guess nobody can replace her lar.. Well.. i hope she enjoyed her new career and still keep in touch with us. Anyway, this is not a post about her. Haha.. thought it's a pre-birthday dinner. :P

Well, we wanted to have dinner together and celebrate her birthday earlier. And also, i wanted to try out the newly opened cafe called "My Dream", opposite Syuen Hotel. But we were so disappointed at their service. Most of the items in the menu was not selling yet! I so wanted to try out their mango layered cake. But they only serve the durian flavour. Why are they opening the restaurant when they only serve a few items of the menu? It was so, so disappointing. We were hoping to have a proper dinner and try their dessert later on. Sigh.. we went to the opposite restaurant, which is Secret Recipe. I had a meatball spaghetti. JL had Lasagne and SF had something else, which i forgot the name of the dish. The chicken looked like it was kept in the freezer for too long cuz the meat was a bit dark and not fresh.

So many pieces of meatballs!! I can't finish all of them, so i shared 1 piece with SF. Haha..she was happy to have it. :p Right, SF?

Anyway, we had a great night out, had a really good chat... and had a very delicious banana cheese cake. =)


  1. yeaaa the banana cheese cake was nice, both banana and cheese flavours were melted on the taste buds at an acceptable level and right portion..neither too heavy nor light..but the chicken chop i had was so so only..that's not the main course but the gathering and talk..hehe...and thanks for the meatball, a very satisfying so glad and appreciate that 3 of us can still call out for dinner and keep in touch.. =) thanks for the dinner girls!

  2. ohhh we din snap the cake!!! can't wait to finish it up while June was talking in the phone..haha..

  3. yalor..forgot to take a photo of the cake. Too happily munching it up. lol.



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