Sunday, April 15, 2012

Raymond Looi's Concert

Attended a christian music concert organized by Elim Professional Youth Fellowship yesterday night. The singer was Singpetra Mission's Raymoon Looi. The first time I heard his music was in 2005, when I was attending a church camp in Pulau Jerejak. He has a strong and determined voice, to sing praises to God and  he shows his passion in glorifying God through his gifts in music, songs and testimonials. More information about him at Singpetra's website and Raymond Looi's Facebook page.

Some snapshots of him on stage performing.

His messages often relate us to our daily life, relationship building and positive thinking which encourage us to face life challenges with faith and love of God. The songs he sings usually combine gospel songs and some meaningful pop songs. Yesterday night, he sang 我的路a few hymns from his latest album, and some songs from Anita Mui, Sam Hui and Lisa Wang's 用爱将心偷.

Will look forward to his next performance in ipoh. ;)

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