Friday, April 20, 2012

Rude Customer Service

Have you ever dealt with a rude supplier? Today was my first encounter after working for 7 years. I've written an email using the email address of the supplier's website to request some sample for evaluation. However, after waiting for a week, there was no feedback. So, I called their Malaysian representative office. The phone rang for quite a few minutes before someone answered. I asked to speak to the sales personnel, but the receptionist told me the person in charge is on medical leave. So, I asked whether there is someone else who can stand in for him/her to answer my enquiry. I told her I'd like to make a sample request. She transferred me to a few staffs before the last one actually said yes, can write an email to me regarding the sample request. He told me his name (i'll call him "A") and email address. I was happy and satisfied at that moment. 

However, I receive no response after 3 days. Well, as usual, I'll do a follow-up and call to check the progress. When I called and asked to speak to "A", the receptionist sounded as if there's no such person. She asked me from which department is the person I wanted to talk to. I was confused. In my heart, I was hoping that I had heard A's name correctly and I was thinking how can she doesn't know which department? I even asked A to spell his name for me. Anyhow, the receptionist transferred me to someone, and that someone then transferred to another person, and then, I got transferred to another person again. And finally, someone on the line told me his name was "B" which sounded similar to "A". I was hesitant but never the less, I told him my predicament. I wished to have some sample but still have not receive any feedback from him. All of a sudden, he was pissed off!! Asking me where I got his name, where I got his email.. who gave me his name.. and told me he doesn't know about any sample request, he hasn't even heard of our company name, bla, bla, bla... 

I told him I'd like to request this and this product. And he was even more pissed off. He said that was not his responsibility. His production line is not producing that product. It should be the responsibility of another department. He sounded really mad.. Gosh.. it was getting to my nerves. I couldn't hold it and I sounded angry too. I told him the problem between your internal departments is not my problem. My only concern is i'd like to request some samples. And his colleague may have transferred the line to the wrong person. But he's not helpful and scolded me for calling the wrong department. I was too mad to talk to him at that moment and I told him I'd complain to his headquarters. And he was like..ok lah! and we hung up.

Wow... he needs to go for communication training man... this is not the right way to treat your potential customer. To cut story short, I got hold of the sales team email address later on and I wrote a complaint email, telling them about the above incident. (but not as detailed la...) They wrote me an apology and promised to look into my enquiry. Well, apology accepted and I hope we will have a more pleasant business relationship in future. Fingers crossed!

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