Monday, January 7, 2013

My 2012

2012 was an exciting year for me. My sister said she sees changes in me over this year, in a good way of course! And she is proud of me! :D This is my first time writing back about what happened in my life in the previous year. For the past few years I started this blog, I haven't done this before and I think I should start writing one cuz it's good way to remember and count the blessings that I received from God. I'll summarize my 2012 by month. 

I spent New Year in Auckland! Isn't that awesome! hahahaha! Food in NZ was sooOooo good! I can imagine myself getting fatter and fatter if I stay there too long! Read more about food I had in NZ here! 
And then, there was Chinese New Year. There were a lot of food gatherings, reunion 'yumchar'/dinners and happy time. lol... Evie's wedding was in this month too! 

Seems that because of Chinese New Year, I didn't blog during this month. But I had a nice dinner with my best mate, J at Friends Cafe and I postpone this post to March. Nothing eventful this month because I spent too much during CNY! lol..too broke to spend more. Oh yeah...I started paying mortgage in Jan. That's why I'm broke. :( 

I bought my first smartphone! Something I wanted for a long time but only decided then. Why did I take so long to decide? What was I thinking? 
I'm so happy with my phone and it's been faithful to me until now. *fingers crosses*. Not much trouble except for a few glitches that I've posted here

My first visit to Aeon Station 18, the biggest shopping mall in ipoh. 

Sis was here in Ipoh with her children for vacation. We had dim sum at Foh San, shopping in almost all the malls in town (lol), playing with the kids and eating good Ipoh food. :D I've also discovered the famous Wan Tao Long which used to sell this iced dessert opposite Pasir Puteh (Tai Wo Yuan) market. 

Sabah trip with mom!! :D It was a fun and exciting trip. So long never been to a trip with mom. Hmm..we should organize a family trip soon. It's been awhile I have not travel with both sisters and mom together. 

And this month was my first encounter in online shopping. View my first experience here

Visited mLab 2012 at KLCC with my colleagues and.... my uni friend whom I've never met in 7 years came to visit and gave me a box of Godiva! lol

My braces were off! After wearing for 1 and half years, finally, they were taken off and I've got my retainers too. 

My cousin's wedding was in June too. It was a really big family gathering. I took 1 week off to spend time with family and relatives who came back from KL, Singapore, overseas. 

July was the month I did some backlog blogging. ;P 

Sis and her family came to visit Ipoh again. Everytime they are here, I'm just too busy playing with the kids and no time for blogging. ;P They are just so cute and growing up too fast! 

Oh, I baked some cakes too! And that's no ordinary cake. It's "apricot, dates, banana, almond and pistachio cake"!! :D But only one time. hahahaha! No more baking after that. Maybe I should try again soon. 

There's also Raya Open House that my colleagues and I were invited to. Having traditional malay food and a feel of kampung house.

My birthday celebration which I did not blog about. ;P I had a small birthday lunch with a few friends at the Artiste in De Garden. Not going there for food any more because the food is just too salty. Maybe for a drink and chat but not for big meal. 

Celebrated J's birthday at Capucino Cafe. Read more about what we had at this cafe. I changed my blog outlook in this month too. ;D

My friend accepted Christ on 23/11/12!! Praise the Lord! I took up the responsibility of being her mentor. By God's grace, we hope to finish the lessons before my friend leave for KL to finish her studies. Let's hope for a new beginning in the walk with God for both of us!

Tried this new B.E.D cafe in town with mom which we will go again and again in future! ;D Good food, good coffee, cozy place to hang out with friends.. just that they only open at certain hours. Check this out! >>> B.E.D cafe

Visited my sister in PJ. Lots to share here but I guess I have to do some backlogs again. 

And finally, it's the last month of 2012. Everyone was talking about the end of the world on 21.12.12. So, we survived and still is living as usual. lol. No la! God has His own time and Jesus will come back without anyone know when. So, there won't be any fixed date or time for us people to know. Therefore, for now, live as best as we can and share the love! 

And yes, we had a "Christmas Love Movement" that our family organized for Vision Home, Ipoh. We collected rice, diaper, milk powder and specific Christmas gifts for the children. In addition, we had extra cash for the children's education fund and the home general fund. :D 

Not to forget I had a wonderful Christmas time with my family. Here's a glimpse of our Christmas dinner table and a night scene of Kinta Riverfront where we spent on one of the nights during the Christmas holiday. 

Sorry for keeping you so long. I know...this is a really long post! :D Again, Happy New Year to you all and may God bless your 2013!


  1. Found the link to your blog from facebook. Wow, you had a really exciting and full year in 2012! Wish 2013 will be another year with lots of fun and meaningful moments!

    Best wishes,

    1. Hey..thanks SC! :D Looking forward to see you soon!



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